it has been less than 3 months since i left SXC and hence left walking every morning on the paths of park street..............it was a strange feeling i underwent every morning as i treaded along park st.......and this is completely opposed to what i feel when everyday i walk thru college st......
i felt as if the ppl,the streets,the shops,every1 wanted 2 turn their backs on me..........as if they wanted to shut themselves up in a room n remian aloof from the mainstream society........as if they had enough of all worldly pleasures and were satisfied......the glassdoors n windows of every shop was an ugly reminder of the difference to which we all were witnesses.......
and.......when i walk along colg st..........it is.....as if the streets scream in their bid to reach out to the world..........scream 2 draw ur attention towards the horrifying realities of life.......towards which every1 wants to turn a blind eye...........
the walk thru d CMC compound reminds me of the xtreme helplessness to wic ppl can be driven to........the walk along the pavements where 100s of families reside in dreadful living conditions.......the greatest irony is perhaps outside the central metro stn-----------
as soon as one cums out of the stn there is the FAMILY WELFARE WARD of CMC.......n lined up beside it are 100s of families..........evidently welfare has not even met them once in life! and then there is CMC wic one wud obviously think to be some junkyard.........where hygiene should be the most essential factor......it ranks last or may b doesnt appear in the priority list!
may be dats y wen calcutta is to portrayed in a film or a book---------it is dis calcutta wic we always get to see...........