I ‘m going to use a word in this piece of writing which I simply hate using-BONG for BENGALIS…….. [Lord forgive me for this]
It was a little more than a year back……when I made that blunder….. a decision which others considered would bless me with a successful career ……..it was me taking up MASS COMM for History……showing it to others and more to myself…..I carried something in me to win the award “Whims of the Century” [!!!!!] because MASS COMM was never on my mind…..though I cannot say I did horribly!
And there I was at a place which I could least comprehend.
STUDENTS- Well…..barring a few…..just a few…..the others were beyond my reach. I don’t know whether, I should use the word “reach” here. The great minds in our class spoke something I never understood [they spoke in ENG of course!]……some bombastic words all the time…..some great vague theories propounded by some great men….. Existentialism, Modernism, Post-modernism, Neo-capitalism, Late-capitalism, and some big names which I did not even remember a second after I had heard them. Initially I was happy at the prospect of studying in a class in which Bengalis were the majority [I am a racist and harbor anti-MARU feelings]. Little did I understand that these Bengalis have been transformed into BONGS! These BONG materials in my schooldays would always be ostracized completely….because there we formed the majority. Now I found myself in the minority- I am the Bengali among the BONGS-the one who was clumsily dressed , fumbled all the time, had no sense of style[which is so important to be in this college],etc etc! But somehow I felt proud….because the difference existed….for the 1st time I felt happy to dress clumsily and remain a”BEHNJI”……… Being a fashion-victim would be appreciated still but not someone whom “fashion” has spared. It was quite in vogue there, to call each other by queer names/nicknames. No! Don’t you think that these names were out of love and affection for your friends- it was just “so fashionable” to give each other weird names! Most of them found the canteen “cheap and noisy” and so to spend good amount of money from their pockets they went to the near-by CCD…..some 10/15 people at a table, ordering cookies for lunch/dinner/supper/whatever! 2 cookies for 20 bucks- that’s the cheapest there…..and shamelessly they sat there in such large numbers around the table and with 2 cookies on a plate in the middle!!!!!!!!! Most of them survived on a staple diet consisting of ….well…..umm….”FROOTY”. They possessed nothing “in” them to receive/welcome anything/anyone. Once, I’d done the grave mistake of asking one of my classmates “who is KURT COBAIN?”- I saw glaring and gaping faces at me. On another occasion I had asked “what is OLYPUB?”- ok, I don’t need to pen down their reactions again!!!!! During one of our class-exercises I had asked someone[I don’t remember who] in class, her views on Reservation-Quota-Vendetta politics and NUKE-WAR - they all stared at my face hearing the alien words [so the conclusion is, not knowing KURT COBAIN was something for which I should be put to death, but having no knowledge of the country is “jussssss fynnnnn”]. And oh yes! It was so fashionable to play the guitar and hum English tunes in class….. It was also extremely important to flaunt your newly acquired earthly possessions- like a DG SLR camera/a new N_SERIES mobile/a new Reebok /Nike shoe in public. Finally for a few misfits like us in the class, it was partitioned into the left and right wings [something as great as EAST and WEST Germany]
FACULTY/INFRASTRUCTURE OF THE DPT- One of my good friends had remarked once, that the chair of the H.O.D in the DPT is something like “Bikromaditya-r 32 Shinghashon”. Whoever is on it, will invariably speak crap [well better admit all the teachers there have somehow mastered the art of speaking/writing shit]. The DPT is called MASS COMM & VIDEOGRAPHY but strangely enough neither MASS COMM nor VIDEOGRAPHY has been taught to us properly [or badly] over d past 1 year! We are given assignments 2 work with the camera but we are not provided camera and we are all suppose to have it. We are suppose to understand and study the working principles and applications of camera, sound studio, lights, etc without having the least bit of prior knowledge and assistance from the teachers. We are to study the AUDIO MIXER but the one we have there is dysfunctional from ages! How are we supposed to know all the editing software? [as if they don’t know that we come to the college straight out of school and all of us are shifting from pure academics to a vocational, basically industry oriented] course. And the best part is they will never teach them in class! None of them can speak simply and appreciate students who do the same. All of them will discuss something in class which has no connection whatsoever with what we will b testes on, during our university exams. Classes are not held most of the time and this becomes a major problem coz we don’t have any study material to fall back on!!!! The teachers feel that they are not accountable to the students-they will neither give us the syllabus nor listen to our queries. Our class projects should be ideally financed by the college but the college authorities have no clue that the students are being forced to finance the projects i.e. buying cassettes for the DV-cams, paying transport fees if the project is taking place outside the college and so on and so forth! I think this is enough for everybody to understand how the DPT functions…..so I should stop the bashing here.
Miscellaneous: - mobile phones are not allowed even in the canteen……the canteen food is atrocious…..the hygiene vis-à-vis drinking water and canteen food is something the authorities must take into consideration……..and what with this excuse slip and all?? Are we nursery kids, eh???
It was a little more than a year back……when I made that blunder….. a decision which others considered would bless me with a successful career ……..it was me taking up MASS COMM for History……showing it to others and more to myself…..I carried something in me to win the award “Whims of the Century” [!!!!!] because MASS COMM was never on my mind…..though I cannot say I did horribly!
And there I was at a place which I could least comprehend.
STUDENTS- Well…..barring a few…..just a few…..the others were beyond my reach. I don’t know whether, I should use the word “reach” here. The great minds in our class spoke something I never understood [they spoke in ENG of course!]……some bombastic words all the time…..some great vague theories propounded by some great men….. Existentialism, Modernism, Post-modernism, Neo-capitalism, Late-capitalism, and some big names which I did not even remember a second after I had heard them. Initially I was happy at the prospect of studying in a class in which Bengalis were the majority [I am a racist and harbor anti-MARU feelings]. Little did I understand that these Bengalis have been transformed into BONGS! These BONG materials in my schooldays would always be ostracized completely….because there we formed the majority. Now I found myself in the minority- I am the Bengali among the BONGS-the one who was clumsily dressed , fumbled all the time, had no sense of style[which is so important to be in this college],etc etc! But somehow I felt proud….because the difference existed….for the 1st time I felt happy to dress clumsily and remain a”BEHNJI”……… Being a fashion-victim would be appreciated still but not someone whom “fashion” has spared. It was quite in vogue there, to call each other by queer names/nicknames. No! Don’t you think that these names were out of love and affection for your friends- it was just “so fashionable” to give each other weird names! Most of them found the canteen “cheap and noisy” and so to spend good amount of money from their pockets they went to the near-by CCD…..some 10/15 people at a table, ordering cookies for lunch/dinner/supper/whatever! 2 cookies for 20 bucks- that’s the cheapest there…..and shamelessly they sat there in such large numbers around the table and with 2 cookies on a plate in the middle!!!!!!!!! Most of them survived on a staple diet consisting of ….well…..umm….”FROOTY”. They possessed nothing “in” them to receive/welcome anything/anyone. Once, I’d done the grave mistake of asking one of my classmates “who is KURT COBAIN?”- I saw glaring and gaping faces at me. On another occasion I had asked “what is OLYPUB?”- ok, I don’t need to pen down their reactions again!!!!! During one of our class-exercises I had asked someone[I don’t remember who] in class, her views on Reservation-Quota-Vendetta politics and NUKE-WAR - they all stared at my face hearing the alien words [so the conclusion is, not knowing KURT COBAIN was something for which I should be put to death, but having no knowledge of the country is “jussssss fynnnnn”]. And oh yes! It was so fashionable to play the guitar and hum English tunes in class….. It was also extremely important to flaunt your newly acquired earthly possessions- like a DG SLR camera/a new N_SERIES mobile/a new Reebok /Nike shoe in public. Finally for a few misfits like us in the class, it was partitioned into the left and right wings [something as great as EAST and WEST Germany]
FACULTY/INFRASTRUCTURE OF THE DPT- One of my good friends had remarked once, that the chair of the H.O.D in the DPT is something like “Bikromaditya-r 32 Shinghashon”. Whoever is on it, will invariably speak crap [well better admit all the teachers there have somehow mastered the art of speaking/writing shit]. The DPT is called MASS COMM & VIDEOGRAPHY but strangely enough neither MASS COMM nor VIDEOGRAPHY has been taught to us properly [or badly] over d past 1 year! We are given assignments 2 work with the camera but we are not provided camera and we are all suppose to have it. We are suppose to understand and study the working principles and applications of camera, sound studio, lights, etc without having the least bit of prior knowledge and assistance from the teachers. We are to study the AUDIO MIXER but the one we have there is dysfunctional from ages! How are we supposed to know all the editing software? [as if they don’t know that we come to the college straight out of school and all of us are shifting from pure academics to a vocational, basically industry oriented] course. And the best part is they will never teach them in class! None of them can speak simply and appreciate students who do the same. All of them will discuss something in class which has no connection whatsoever with what we will b testes on, during our university exams. Classes are not held most of the time and this becomes a major problem coz we don’t have any study material to fall back on!!!! The teachers feel that they are not accountable to the students-they will neither give us the syllabus nor listen to our queries. Our class projects should be ideally financed by the college but the college authorities have no clue that the students are being forced to finance the projects i.e. buying cassettes for the DV-cams, paying transport fees if the project is taking place outside the college and so on and so forth! I think this is enough for everybody to understand how the DPT functions…..so I should stop the bashing here.
Miscellaneous: - mobile phones are not allowed even in the canteen……the canteen food is atrocious…..the hygiene vis-à-vis drinking water and canteen food is something the authorities must take into consideration……..and what with this excuse slip and all?? Are we nursery kids, eh???